Monday, November 28, 2016

The Christmas Bake Off

26 days until Christmas Eve and I managed to read two stories. Big wow. *addirony*

At least I managed to get some reading done while life was absolutely crazy, so here is my second review.

I read The Christmas Bake Off by Abby Clements. The download's for free for your Kindle on Amazon.

It is a short story about, well, a Christmas Bake Off. It is indeed pretty short. Surprisingly short, to be honest, but it was a quic and nice read. I would have liked some more of it, because the storyline was good and would have made a nice novella. I especially liked the recipes at the end, which sound really, really good.

Well, that's all I can say. If you'd like to spend half an hour with some nice writing, download this story and have fun.

Happy Reading!

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Okay, I wanted the first review up on November, 1st. But then I had to work crazy hours and we had a stomach bug in our family, so that was that.

All that made it difficult to find the time to read, plus I had started on a book that didn't get me hooked. So here comes my opinion, which cannot be called a review.

The book was Twelve Days of Christmas by Trisha Ashley.It's more chicklit than romance, which my anglophile self usually loves a lot. I started reading with high expectations and maybe that was the point why it all went wrong. I am into 2/3 of the book and I am not ending it. It started out good. But then after the first hundred pages it got soooo boring. I knew where all that was leading and it took the author years to come to the point. At least that's how I felt it. Maybe you have another opinion and that's fine, but the book didn't work for me and I wouldn't recommend it.

Maybe I am more lucky with book number 2: The Christmas Bake Off by Abby Clements, a short story. I'll keep you updated.

Love, Sanna

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

First delivery

Ho ho ho ... the first delivery of Christmas books arrived on my door step. Some, I downloaded on my Kindle, others I ordered as real books, even hardcovers. This is what I am planning to read:

Christmas At Little Beach Street Bakery by Jenny Colgan
Twelve Days Of Christmas by Trisha Ashley
A Cornish Christmas by Lily Graham
Mistletoe Kisses and Christmas Wishes by various writers (anthology)
The Christmas Bake Off by Abby Clements
The Reading Group: December by Della Parker (short story)

Have you read any of these? How did you like them (no spoilers please!) and do you have any must-reads for me I really, really should read this season? What's on your Christmas TBR?

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

The Christmas Reading Challenge 2016

Hey, hello there!

It's October in a few days and as I want to start the Christmas Reading Challenge on November, 1st I thought I'd pop in and ask who's going to join me this year.

I want it all to be a bit different, with a lot of input from my readers. Is there anybody who'd like to write a review over a Christmas romance of your choice? It doesn't have to be a brand new book. Maybe you read it years ago and liked it, we would love to hear about that! everybody is invited to join!

Also, if you have any recommendations, please leave a comment and post them. I have not one book in my TBR yet and with every year it's more and more difficult to find those I haven't read before. Also, anthologies are fine.

Okay, that's it for now. I'd love to see many of you participate. The more, the merrier. ;o)

Love, Sanna