Hey, hello there!
It's October in a few days and as I want to start the Christmas Reading Challenge on November, 1st I thought I'd pop in and ask who's going to join me this year.
I want it all to be a bit different, with a lot of input from my readers. Is there anybody who'd like to write a review over a Christmas romance of your choice? It doesn't have to be a brand new book. Maybe you read it years ago and liked it, we would love to hear about that! everybody is invited to join!
Also, if you have any recommendations, please leave a comment and post them. I have not one book in my TBR yet and with every year it's more and more difficult to find those I haven't read before. Also, anthologies are fine.
Okay, that's it for now. I'd love to see many of you participate. The more, the merrier. ;o)
Love, Sanna
I've still not read The Christmas Shoes. That's at the top of my list, especially since I've read the rest of the series (LOVED THEM) & there's a new addition to them this season.