Thursday, November 23, 2017

Book 1: Christmas At Little Beach Street Bakery

I already finished two books for this year's challenge and I am happy to recommend the first one to you.

It is Christmas At Little Beach Street Bakery by Jenny Colgan. Not a romance, but chicklit. Set on a small peninsula on Britain's rough coast. It is, in fact, book 3 of a series, that I highly recommend, but it is fine to read each book alone, too.

The plot: Polly lives on Mount Polbeane on the coast of Cornwall, where she owns the Little Beach Street Bakery and lives in the old lighthouse with her boyfriend/ fiancée Huckle. As Christmas approaches, Polly's life is more than busy with her best friend Kerensa having serious relationship trouble and Huckle, who really wants to get married, but Polly is hesitant to take the last step. The whole story revolves around Christmas Eve, which Polly and Huckle want to just spend curled up on the couch with movies, but circumstances make Polly prepare pastries for a big holiday party.

This book has it all, snow storms, ice sculptures and a puffin. Yes, a puffin.

So much is happening on these pages that I don't have the words to give a good summary, but trust me on this one. Jenny Colgan's writing is funny and unique and her characters and stories are well-developed. I also saw that the audio book is for free on Amazon Prime.

Happy Reading! Love, Sanna

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